Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My life is in disarray and Polyvore is down....

Hi Dolls

Sorry for the delay in posting. I feel like every blog I've ever read has a post like this:

"sorry for not posting in so long. my life just got so busy and I haven't had a second to myself to write"

blah blah true! I finally get it now!!!

So long story short I've been sick. And looking like death in the comfort of my home and with only my family to see. My dad actually asked me "are you allergic to the cats? around your eyes is all red."

Ummm nooooo Dad, but thanks hahaha this is just your sparkling daughter with no makeup on. mmkkkk glad we cleared that up!

So anyhow, the other excuse I have (which is also the truth) is my Polyvore is not working at work. This is crushing, but I bring up the site, and my options for items is's like getting dressed in the dark.

You can't tell what you're picking, you don't know if it matches, or if it's even what you want to wear.

The silver lining: I've recently received my Ipad (a gift from all my hard work at the office) and Polyvore has an app! I'm up and running again. So please do expect a post at the end of this week with real update on my fashion bubble.



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