Friday, October 4, 2013

Rainy day blogging


Is it Friday again already??? These weeks are just flying by it seems!

Highlights of this week included:

Working from home on Monday after a long day at the Buffalo Bills game against the Ravens. We won! And it was such a fun day. The only thing is it's long. Up at 7am gone by 8am drinking by 9am and it doesn't stop until laaate in to the night. So we stayed overnight in Niagara at Mom and Dad's and worked from home.Which was lovely. Having extra company b/c Mom was "sick" and stayed home with us. We drove home early to beat rush hour traffic, although it's never as bad going in to the city as trying to get out. On the drive a poor motorcyclist lost his briefcase in the middle of the highway. Papers were flying everywhere and he pulled off to the side but there was nothing he could do. It was too late, hope they weren't the only copies!

Tuesday/Wednesday (by Monday below w/ the yellow dress I meant Tuesday and with Tuesday red lips I meant Wednesday, working from home really threw me off this week! HAHA) were back to the grind and uneventful. I forfeit the gym for sleep-ins. And by sleep in I mean 6:30am. Still very early but it's no 4:45 that's for sure.

Thursday I had one hell of a morning, my hair was NOT doing what I wanted. I was feeling very Carrie Bradshaw inspired after watching a few reruns of SATC Wednesday night and I was trying for a very slicked back bun. Unfortunately my extensions were showing far too much for that so I ended up with one single braid around front to keep my bangs back and the rest down and curled. Far from the original plan but it worked. Finally I was ready and only 20minutes late for work. Even stopped for a coffee. I chose comfort today because my outfit was also a disaster. You know not going to the gym for a few days in a row really makes a difference in how I feel in my clothes. They don't fit tighter, they don't pull in bad areas, and my waistline has NOT actually expanded. But I just feeeeel terrible. It's just a bad idea to skip the gym....*note to self*

And now, thank the lord, it's Friday! And in one week from now I'll be in the hot heat of Houston Texas, and preparing to see Joshua Radin and Matt Nathanson in concert at the House of Blues! So this weekend will be spent cleaning my apartment and packing for my trip so that I can feel prepared and relaxed for my upcoming trip. I have done a few work related things today at work but I'm also getting a few personal things accomplished since it's very quiet around the office this week. Again with the comfort. I love Fridays for this reason! Chambray shirts and leggings! WAHOO!
Side note: So this morning I woke up a few minutes before my alarm and as I was laying in bed when I heard what sounded like a parallel park job gone wrong. I thought I heard 2 bumpers being knocked together. And since there is street parking outside of my house, this was a very likely situation. When my alarm went off at 6:25 I took a peek out my window and realized it wasn't a bumper to bumper situation at all. It was a Raccoon (the size of a bear cub) and a bumper situation. Poor little guy was re-run over probably 1000 times by the time I was at the bus stop and he was flat as a pancake. Britt said a little prayer for him at the stop (LOL) and we hoped his little soul made it to animal heaven.
On a happier note, hope you all have amazing weekend plans!!

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